Policymakers' Community of Practice on the Green Transition - Latin America and Asia South-South Collaboration

Group 5 members
About this Group


What is our Purpose?

Targeted government policies are emerging to enable businesses to transition to the green economy. However, more needs to be done to pave way for further initiatives and measures across the globe. 

Our Community of Practice exists to support policymakers from Latin America and Asia-Pacific in sharing experiences and developing, replicating, and scaling-up successful policy measures to promote green transition and business innovations towards inclusive and sustainable development. 

What is a Community of Practice?

Peer  learning and support is one of the most effective and preferred methods by professionals to enhance skills and develop new expertise. A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common concern or interest and who come together to learn from each other and collaborate towards fulfilling both individual and group goals. 

What are our Goals? 

This Community of Practice will give you the opportunity to access, collaborate and exchange ideas and experiences with a community of like-minded people from the private and public sector that are passionate about inclusive business.

  • Discover: Find a centralized repository for technical materials on policy measures and business innovation towards the green economy.

  • Share: Receive and share information on the latest policy measures and business innovation towards the green transition of businesses. 

  • Learn: Learn from your peers and experts through regular exchanges and targeted events. 

  • Collaborate: Build relationships with peers and other stakeholders. Access support to develop, replicate, and/or scale-up policy measures.