Natural Capital

Public Discussion 1069 members
About this Discussion

Natural capital encompasses the world's living and non-living natural assets. It forms the basis for environmental and economic life through natural resource production and the provision of ecosystem services. Natural resources are the foundation of social and economic development. Given the critical role they play in maintaining biodiversity and enabling green economic growth, safeguarding such assets could not be more pressing.

To incorporate natural capital into national green growth planning, it is critical for decision-makers to have access to information that reflects the quality, quantity and spatial configuration of natural capital assets. The utility of natural capital analysis for policymaking is ultimately dependent on the availability of information, which can be provided through data platforms and tools.

The GGKP’s Natural Capital Expert Group is currently exploring state-of-the-art methods, models, data and tools for mainstreaming natural capital in national green growth policies and practices. The group is leveraging global momentum for green growth in order to better value, protect and enhance natural capital in national economic decision-making.