Green Learning Network

Group 324 members
About this Group

Want to improve the workforce and education for the green economy?

Create a new account (if you haven't yet), then login to the Green Forum and join us in building a Green Learning Network, a space uniquely suited for educators and trainers, employers in the green economy, governments, and NGOs who want to share and learn from each other and collaborate on solutions. 

Together we can improve the green economy workforce and education in these ways.

Once you are logged in, click on the Communities button. Each of the below is a community you can join: 

1) Student Recruitment

2) Career Guidance, Job Placement and Employee Hiring

3) Student and Employee Retention

4) Research Alignment

5) Green Skills & Curricular Improvements

6) Policies for the Green Economy Workforce and Education 

 to learn about and share resources, including successful precedents and guides, and build new solutions the local and large scale systemic improvements.  Through these efforts, researchers, employers, educators, and practitioners will be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to advance green economy policies and actions. We will more quickly achieve the critical mass of knowledge and skills to promote green economy policies and actions.

Following the Second Global Forum on Green Economy Learning in November 2018, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) along with a group of green economy actors have worked together to build the initial phase of an idea that emerged from the Forum: the Green Learning Network.